Analytical Solution for Elliptical Cloaks Based on The Frequency Selective Surface

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E. Ghasemi Mizuji
A. Abdolali
I. Derafshi


In this paper the elliptical dielectric cylinder which is covered with FSS cloak is considered. Frequency selective surface cloak which Alu named it mantle cloak is one of the recent techniques for cloaking. In this method an appropriate FSS can act as cloaking device for suppressing  the scattering of object  in the desired frequency. With using this method the dimension of the cloaks is extremely reduced. By this proposed structure, the RCS of elliptical cylinder  is reduced about 10-20 dB and designed cloak has an appropriate performance.  The analytical solution for the wave in each layer is presented and with using simulation, the electric field and the scattering pattern has been drawn.


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How to Cite
Ghasemi Mizuji, E., Abdolali, A., & Derafshi, I. (2015). Analytical Solution for Elliptical Cloaks Based on The Frequency Selective Surface. Advanced Electromagnetics, 3(2), 16–20.
Research Articles
Author Biography

E. Ghasemi Mizuji

iran university of sciense and technology


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