Radiation Characteristics Enhancement of Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using Solid/Discrete Dielectric Lenses

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H. A. E. Malhat
S. H. Zainud-Deen
W. M. Hassan
K. H. Awadalla


The radiation characteristics of the dielectric resonator antennas (DRA) is enhanced using different types of solid and discrete dielectric lenses. One of these approaches is by loading the DRA with planar superstrate, spherical lens, or by discrete lens (transmitarray). The dimensions and dielectric constant of each lens are optimized to maximize the gain of the DRA. A comparison between the radiations characteristics of the DRA loaded with different lenses are introduced. The design of the dielectric transmitarray depends on optimizing the heights of the dielectric material of the unit cell. The optimized transmitarray achieves 7 dBi extra gain over the single DRA with preserving the circular polarization. The proposed antenna is suitable for various applications that need high gain and focused antenna beam.


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How to Cite
Malhat, H. A. E., Zainud-Deen, S. H., Hassan, W. M., & Awadalla, K. H. (2015). Radiation Characteristics Enhancement of Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using Solid/Discrete Dielectric Lenses. Advanced Electromagnetics, 4(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.7716/aem.v4i1.275
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